ForceBook Shares Secrets About Their Relationship in Manila


One of GMMTV’s biggest couples, ForceBook, recently visited the country for their first-ever fanmeet with Filipino Tomafoxes. Presented by Wish Us Luck, Force and Book showed their fans in the country their chemistry in real life accompanied by exclusive performances! 

During the press conference that happened a few hours before the event, Force and Book and shared exclusively to Philippine media secrets to their relationship. 

Force shared that as they have been friends for over sixteen years, they have practiced the art of communicating. When they encounter problems, they do not hold back sorting it out with each other. 

This proves that Force and Book have a solid foundation in their friendship hence they are able to work well together. In speaking about their work, Force shared that he found his character in Only Friends tough in terms of the script. Book, on the other hand, finds that his character is very complex, showing different sides or personalities in just one person. Together, they are able to make it work with what Tomafoxes can enjoy now in the last few episodes of Only Friends. 

During the fanmeeting, the couple charmed their fans by playing games that got to showcase their personalities including Fox or Tomato, Figure Me Out, and Guess What Role.

Performances also included fun song numbers featuring songs from 2Gether as well as Gemini's "Hook" as performed by the couple. During the Hook performance, ForceBook got more intimate by going down the stage and meeting fans upclose in their seats. 

The night ended emotionally with a fan project prepared by fans who have been waiting for years for ForceBook. Moreover, they also got to greet Book an advance happy birthday as the dome sang a happy birthday song in unison.

Indeed, it was a night to remember for Thai BL fans as Force and Book certainly enjoyed the energy Tomafoxes showed them. Together, we cannot wait for them to be back! 

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