Buckle up for this nostalgic ride and enjoy the moment with friends and family via Cignal Pay-Per-View offering on Ch 198 SD and Ch 298 HD. Postpaid subscribers may order online by logging in to my.cignal.tv, while Prepaid subscribers can go to their nearest Smart Load Retailer and text PPV650 (space) Cignal Account Number to 3443. The Eraserheads’ Huling El Bimbo concert is also available to SatLite subscribers.
Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime OPM concert of the year! Watch Eraserheads’ Huling El Bimbo live and in high definition on Cignal. For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/HulingElBimboCignalPPV or follow Cignal TV’s social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter.