"My School President" is a fascinating Thai Boys Love (BL) series consisting of 12 episodes that beautifully captures the essence of youth and love. The storyline revolves around a young aspiring musician Gun, played by "Fourth" Nattawat Jirochtikul, who is also the newly assigned head of the music club of their high school. He, along with bandmate friends, aims to win the Hot Wave competition to bring back their club’s reputation. This endeavor leads to conflicts with the student council president Tinn, played by "Gemini" Norawit Thiticharoenrak, who threatens to cancel their activities due to its lack of contribution to the school’s achievements. As their rivalry intensifies, their friendship deepens, relationships form, and a series of exciting and dramatic events unfold, prompting viewers to reflect on their own high school experiences. Beyond its cheerful and lively facade, the plot delves into mature and sentimental themes, complemented by catchy songs, lively musical performances, and captivating dance routines in every episode, ensuring an engaging and uplifting viewing experience.
The nine-ensemble of “Gemini” Norawit Titicharoenrak, “Fourth” Nattawat Jirochtikul, “Winny” Thanawin Pholcharoenrat, “Satang” Kittiphop Sereevichayasawat, “Ford” Allan Asawasuebsakul, “Prom“ Theepakon Kwanboon, “Captain“ Pheerawit Kollkang, “Mark" Pakin Kunaanuwit, and “Aun“ Napat Patcharachavalit, is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to connect with their fans this August. It promises to be an evening filled with music, dance,and pure enjoyment! Participants will have the chance to engage in various activities based
on their club roles, such as group photos, hi-touch sessions, receiving signed posters, and even receiving event IDs with lanyards for an added touch.
Additionally, all attendees will be presented with an official event poster and a souvenir card to commemorate their presence at the event.
Don't miss out on the excitement and select your preferred club roles! The pre-selling of tickets will take place on May 20 and 21 through CDM Entertainment. Following that, general public ticket sales will commence on June 24 via SM Tickets.
"My School President 1st Fanmeeting in Manila" is presented by Wish Us Luck
Entertainment. Stay connected by following their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.